Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our FAQ page at Jamie Banfield Design Inc. for a comprehensive insights on our design processes, services, and client-focused guidelines, ensuring clarity and transparency for your project journey.

are we a good fit?

Our passion fuels our work, particularly when it leads to open collaboration toward a shared vision. The ideal client partner for our team is someone who embraces the design process with open-mindedness and honesty, values functionality and quality, and places their trust in our journey together. We find particular joy in clients who bring a good sense of humor to the table and who appreciate the essence of teamwork, even when it requires them to take on some "homework" from time to time. For us, a successful partnership is built on mutual respect, clear communication, and a joint commitment to creating exceptional and meaningful spaces.

why is trust important?

In the realm of hourly billing, we recognize the concern that the design process could be perceived as unnecessarily prolonged, potentially impacting the client's budget. The risk of choosing an unsuitable design professional can indeed lead to increased costs in both time and money. At Jamie Banfield Design Inc, we operate with a foundation of honesty, providing clients with full access to all design details, specifications, and contacts for trades and suppliers throughout the project. This approach fosters an environment of open and honest collaboration.

Being meticulous and well-organized is a fundamental requirement for our team. We take this seriously, knowing that we're helping to lay the groundwork for one of the most significant investments our clients may make, whether it's a simple bathroom update or the creation of a bespoke family home. Communication is vital in any relationship, and we take pride in our prompt responses, accurate feedback, and our resourcefulness in finding solutions when needed.

Above all, we prioritize the health of our team members, client and industry partners relationships. To maintain this, we conduct what we call a “project health check,” a regular touchpoint to review the process and ensure everything is progressing smoothly. This practice is a crucial part of our commitment to delivering not just a successful project, but also a satisfying and stress-free experience for our clients.

What is the JBD process?

Understanding that our clients are often busy families, we strive to make our collaboration both productive and valuable. To achieve this, we have structured the design process into key deliverables and phases, with clear pricing to streamline the entire procedure. Reflecting on past projects allows us to customize this structure for each client and project, considering the necessary time for completing tasks accurately, and consulting with clients, vendors, and industry professionals. Our goal is to craft a comprehensive, viable design package that genuinely represents the client's personality and lifestyle.

The scope of a project can vary significantly – for instance, creating a custom family home from scratch may involve over twenty meetings, whereas a simple bathroom refresh might need just four. Much of the value we bring is in the behind-the-scenes work, where we curate unique designs. However, the ways we handle design presentations, client communications, and feedback gathering are crucial for an optimal project flow.

We establish a framework of accountability for everyone involved, including homeowners. This ensures targeted design goals are met, deliverables are detailed, and time is efficiently allocated. Our approach is designed to provide a clear roadmap for the project, ensuring that each step is purposeful and contributes to the final outcome.

how will we communicate?

We prioritize effective communication with our clients, embracing a variety of methods to suit their convenience and project needs. Our communication channels include email for quick written exchanges, Zoom for virtual face-to-face discussions, and traditional phone calls for more immediate or detailed conversations.

Recognizing the importance of personal interaction, especially when it comes to the tactile aspects of design, we also arrange in-person meetings at our studio, on-site, or at various vendor locations.

This blended approach allows us to combine the efficiency and convenience of digital communication with the invaluable experience of physical meetings, where clients can touch and feel materials, and we can delve into detailed discussions about their projects.

Our commitment to this communication strategy ensures that every project phase is streamlined, efficient, and tailored to our clients' needs, fostering a deep understanding and a successful, collaborative relationship in building their dream space.

what are your business hours?

Our business hours are Monday to Friday, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. We prioritize a healthy work-life balance for our team, which means weekends, after-hours, and statutory holidays are dedicated downtime. However, we are committed to providing excellent service and are happy to accommodate virtual and in-person meetings as promptly as possible, working alongside our pre-committed engagements.

how do you collect payment?

We offer a variety of convenient payment options to suit your preferences. For ease of transaction, we accept pre-authorized credit card payments, online credit card processing, e-transfers, cheques, and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments.

Our aim is to make the payment process as smooth and hassle-free as possible for you. Please note that all invoices are due upon receipt. This policy ensures a streamlined financial process, allowing us to continue providing you with the best service without interruption. We appreciate your prompt attention to payments and are here to assist with any queries regarding our payment methods.

why does a fixed fee model work?

Our fixed fee structure is designed to eliminate the worry of hidden fees and uncertainties. This approach gives our clients the comfort of knowing their design fees right from the start, ensuring there are no surprises or unforeseen costs later on. Our fixed fee proposals are grounded in data, derived from establishing a clear scope of work, outlining the phases and steps, and referencing similar past projects with accurately recorded time allocations. We prioritize the overall deliverables over the minutiae of each task, recognizing that every client and project is distinct. Understanding that following a process is crucial for achieving any significant goal, our fixed fee structure is crafted to ensure that we navigate toward the end goals both efficiently and intelligently.

What is À La Carte Design?

In cases where establishing an ideal scope of work is challenging, an hourly billing structure may be more suitable. This approach is tailored to each project's specific needs, with our design team working within a defined project scope and budget. Since this method is based on an as-needed basis, our team bills at a higher rate compared to a fixed-fee design package. For clients opting for hourly billing, we are ready to assist with a minimum engagement of time equivalent to a retainer.

What is a coordination fee ?

At Jamie Banfield Design, we understand the complexities involved in residential renovations and custom home builds. To ensure a seamless and stress-free experience, we offer a specialized coordination service, overseeing all third-party consultants such as site documentation, site surveys, arborists, engineering, and geotechnical services.

We apply a 15% coordination fee on top of these services, reflecting the value of our comprehensive management, from streamlining communication and ensuring quality assurance to expertly handling time and project management. This approach allows you to focus on the more exciting aspects of your project with expert oversight, streamlined communication, and quality assurance as we ensure every detail is efficiently managed for a successful process.

why might a development permit be required when renovating?

A development permit, in the context of home renovation, is a type of municipal or local government approval that is required for certain types of construction or renovation projects. The specifics can vary depending on the location, but generally, a development permit focuses on the use of land and buildings. READ MORE.

why is a building permit required when renovating?

A building permit, in the context of home renovation, is a legal document issued by a municipal or local government agency that grants permission to proceed with construction or renovation work on a property. This permit is primarily concerned with ensuring the safety and structural integrity of the building work. READ MORE.

why is a preliminary design approval recommended when building?

Preliminary design approval from the City or Township is a step in the process of obtaining permission to build or significantly renovate a home. This approval is crucial, particularly for projects that require a more comprehensive review due to their size, location, or potential impact on the surrounding area. READ MORE.

why is a development permit required when building?

A development permit, in the context of home renovation, is a type of municipal or local government approval that is required for certain types of construction or renovation projects. The specifics can vary depending on the location, but generally, a development permit focuses on the use of land and buildings. READ MORE.

why is a building permit required when building?

When building a home, a building permit is a critical legal document issued by the City or Township that authorizes the construction of the building. This permit ensures that the proposed construction meets all local building codes, zoning regulations, and safety standards. READ MORE.

What is programming + vision development?

Our design process begins with a comprehensive 'Meet + Inspire' session with principal designer Jamie Banfield, where we delve into understanding your specific needs and discuss the Design, Planning and Permitting or Soft Good’s Proposal. Upon approval, we embark on the Pre-Design Phase, which involves an in-depth review of site documentation, site constraints, and your preferences.

This phase includes a detailed meeting with you and any coordinating consultants to shape the direction of your space's design, where we present and refine a preliminary conceptual design. We also conduct a thorough review of all provided building details, assessing existing conditions like walls, floors, ceilings, structural elements, and HVAC systems, ensuring that every aspect of the project is captured. Your detailed input during this stage is crucial, as it allows us to tailor our design solutions precisely to your vision and needs.

What is schematic design?

The schematic design phase is a critical stage where we focus on developing a clear and workable initial concept that can be easily understood and approved by you, the client. In this phase, our designs, while preliminary, effectively showcase the basic layout, scale, and interrelation of different spaces. We also aim to refine the project's scope, explore various design alternatives, and lay a foundation with a possible early cost analysis.

To ensure clarity, our designer provides written explanations alongside schematic drawings, aiding in conveying aspects of the design not immediately evident from graphics alone. These initial drawings are crucial for estimators to provide a preliminary cost estimate. Key elements like space planning, exterior design, and building methods are reviewed and refined with you and our build team to ensure feasibility.

What is permitting?

The permitting phase in residential design is a critical stage where we transition from conceptual designs to securing the necessary approvals for construction. At Jamie Banfield Design Inc., we meticulously navigate both the Development and Building Permit phases, which involve preparing and submitting various documents and designs to local authorities for approval.

In the Development Permit phase, we focus on ensuring that the proposed design aligns with zoning regulations, land use policies, and urban planning guidelines. This step often involves detailed site analysis, contextual studies, and sometimes public consultations, depending on the nature and location of the project. Our goal here is to ensure that the project complies with all municipal requirements, addressing factors such as building height, setbacks, and the overall impact on the neighbourhood.

The Building Permit phase is more technical, concentrating on the structural safety and compliance of the design. Here, we submit detailed architectural and engineering drawings that demonstrate adherence to building codes and safety standards. These documents cover aspects like structural integrity, electrical and plumbing plans, fire safety, and energy efficiency. This phase is crucial for ensuring that all aspects of the construction are legally sound and safe for future occupants.

Throughout the permitting process, we handle the submission of all necessary reports and designs, liaising with relevant authorities and addressing any feedback or revisions required. Our team's expertise in this area is vital in preventing delays and additional costs, ensuring a smooth progression to the actual construction phase. By meticulously managing the permitting phase, we ensure that all legal and structural prerequisites are met, paving the way for a project that is not only beautifully designed but also compliant and safe. This phase, while often complex, is essential in transforming visions into livable, enduring homes.

What is design Development?

In the design development phase, we move beyond the foundational concepts established in the schematic design phase to detail and define every critical aspect of your project. This phase is where we fine-tune the technicalities, such as materials and building systems, enhancing both space and functionality. It plays a crucial role in helping you, the client, understand how the project will function and what it will look like upon completion.

We address any unresolved issues from the schematic design phase during this stage, significantly reducing the likelihood of major changes later on. This step is vital for refining and coordinating the design, ensuring a polished and comprehensive solution.

While this phase aims to resolve most design questions, it's normal for some aspects to continue evolving through the construction documentation, bidding, and construction phases. Our focus now shifts to bringing the vision to life, finalizing and approving both exterior and interior designs, finishes, and costings, and working with vendors to ensure feasibility.

What is issue for feasibility?

During the feasibility phase, our team plays a pivotal role in preparing and issuing the pricing design package to the build team and critical vendors. This crucial step ensures that every element of the design is practical and adheres to the budget. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the design package, involving a collaborative "stress test" with stakeholders such as vendors, suppliers, manufacturers, and the build team. This process is essential for gathering accurate information for realistic bids in terms of timelines and overall investment.

As we refine the design, we adjust details and selections to ensure they align with the project's needs and wishes, while closely adhering to the planned schedule and budget. Our team works diligently with all parties involved, including the homeowner, trades, vendors, and builders, to confirm that the design is both efficient and budget-friendly.

This stage also allows for any final revisions requested by the client, followed by a thorough review and internal audit before issuing the design package for construction. To compile accurate and realistic quotes, a period of 4-10 weeks is generally recommended, depending on the project's scope and complexity. This phase is integral to the design process, accounting for approximately 3-6% of the total project timeframe.

feasibility phases?

At Jamie Banfield Design Inc., we emphasize a cohesive and detailed approach by working closely with our build team throughout the home construction process. From the initial Class-D estimate to the comprehensive Class-A estimate, we ensure that each stage of the project is met with increasing detail and precision, reflecting both design evolution and budgetary needs. This collaborative effort guarantees that each estimate is meticulously refined and aligned with the homeowner's vision, ensuring transparency, trust, and a successful project outcome with every detail considered and planned for from start to finish.

Four-Phase Feasibility Story for a New Build Home or Residential Project

Phase 1: Class-D Estimate

Jamie Banfield Design Inc. kicks off the feasibility study with the Class-D estimate, initiating the early stages of a new residential project. This preliminary estimate is constructed by the renovation contractor or build team to give the homeowner an idea of the probable costs based on their initial requirements. The design team will work alongside the renovation contractor or build team gathers information about the homeowner's vision, desired features, and expected quality levels. They we can compare these requirements with data from similar completed projects, adjusting for differences in size, quality, and location.

The Class-D estimate incorporates square foot costs along with current labor and material prices, leveraging historical data from previous projects. It accounts for various factors including the potential risks, inflation rates, and the estimated timeline for project commencement and completion. The team can also integrates contingencies, allowances, and various options into this estimate, providing a rough but informed starting point for the project's financial scope. This phase sets the groundwork, allowing homeowners to assess the feasibility and make informed decisions moving forward.

Phase 2: Class-C Estimate

As the project moves forward, Jamie Banfield Design Inc. progresses to creating more details for the renovation contractor or build team to create a Class-C estimate following the receipt of updated requirements from the homeowner, which now include all schematic design elements and a preliminary project schedule. This phase delves deeper into the specifics of the project, with the design team refining the initial ideas into more detailed schematics, including layouts, spatial arrangements, and preliminary material selections.

The Class-C estimate is more detailed than the Class-D, reflecting changes from the initial concept based on homeowner feedback and design development. It offers a clearer view of the projected construction costs, incorporating the latest design specifications and the preliminary project timeline. This phase is crucial for ensuring that the homeowner's vision is aligning with the budget and for making necessary adjustments before finalizing the design.

Phase 3: Class-B Estimate

Upon completion of the design development phase, Jamie Banfield Design Inc. prepares the work in progress design package for the renovation contractor or build team to create the Class-B estimate. This phase is marked by the completion of all design documentation, including detailed site and installation plans, geotechnical reports, and comprehensive designs covering all major aspects of the project. The Class-B estimate provides a more refined view of the project costs, based on complete and detailed design information.

This estimate encompasses current specifications, schedules, and drawings, offering a detailed breakdown of costs for materials, labor, and sub-trades. It is an essential step for finalizing the project's financial framework and ensuring that all elements of the design are accounted for and within budget. The Class-B estimate serves as the final checkpoint before moving into the execution phase, allowing for any necessary adjustments or optimizations.

Phase 4: Class-A Estimate

The final phase in the project's feasibility and planning process is the Class-A estimate, which is prepared by the renovation contractor or build team once the construction documents are completed. This comprehensive estimate provides a detailed, coded line-item cost tracking for all aspects of the project, including labor, materials, and sub-trades. It reflects the culmination of all planning, design, and estimation efforts, incorporating actual costs and associated expenses.

The Class-A estimate is the most detailed and accurate reflection of the project costs, serving as the financial blueprint for the construction phase. It includes budget allowances, detailed procurement plans for trades and materials, and encompasses all relevant contingencies. This final estimate ensures that renovation contractor or build team , Jamie Banfield Design Inc. and the homeowner have a clear and detailed understanding of the project's financial requirements, setting the stage for successful project execution and management.

What is design documentation?

The “Issue for construction phase” is a pivotal phase in the design process, we ensure that every detail of the project is primed for construction. We focus on finalizing design tweaks, selecting materials, and developing a comprehensive drawing package and specification document. The construction package, carefully crafted and handed over to the build team, encompasses all the finalized designs, material choices, and detailed construction elements, including elevations, sections, and specific details. This package acts as an essential guide, providing the build team with the necessary information to transform the design into a physical structure.

This phase is crucial for a seamless transition from design to actual construction, bridging the gap between conceptual plans and their physical realization. Our thorough preparation lays the groundwork for an efficient and successful construction process.

During the Documentation stage, which has been a focus since the first design meeting, we prepare extensive construction documents. These include plans, elevations, detailed drawings, and specifications for various aspects such as layout, power, communication, lighting, and finishes.

As the design becomes fully detailed, our designers integrate all technical aspects into these documents, with final specifications presented as notes or schedules. Upon client approval, these documents serve as the legal basis for the contractor's bid and construction execution.Finalizing, auditing, and issuing these documents typically takes 2-4 weeks.

While these documents are complete at this stage, clients may request further changes in writing, with any associated costs borne by the client.

What is the construction phase?

As the construction of your dreams progresses, it encompasses everything from initial excavation to the detailed work of framing, system installations, and final touches. In the consultation phase, our role as designers is to craft and refine the plan, preparing for the general contractor to turn these plans into reality.

Although the general contractor will manage the physical construction, our design expertise is crucial in laying the foundation for a smooth transition from design to build. Our collaboration ensures that every stage of construction aligns with your vision and results in a home that meets your expectations in both design and functionality.

What is construction + design support?

At Jamie Banfield Design Inc, our Construction + Design Support phase is designed to ensure the seamless progression and success of your project. During this phase, we provide ongoing assistance to bridge the gap between design and construction.

Our role involves:

  • Coordinating with Teams: We work closely with the build team, vendors, and clients to keep everyone informed and manage contract documents, ensuring that all parties have the most accurate and current information.

  • Site Visits and Oversight: We may visit the construction site on a scheduled or as-needed basis to confirm that the work aligns with the design plans and progresses as intended. If any deviations from the agreed-upon plans are observed, we will promptly notify you and work to resolve them.

  • Issue Resolution: Should conflicts arise with the design, or if additional information is needed from trades or vendors, we’ll provide solutions and options, keeping you updated on any impacts to the design, timeline, and budget.

  • Billing: Design support typically represents 5-15% of the total project design budget. This phase begins once the design package is issued for construction and is billed separately from any fixed-fee design packages at a rate of $155.00 plus GST per hour, invoiced monthly.

  • Consultation and Communication: We act as your dedicated consultants, available to address any questions about the build process, permitting, or related matters. We will gather necessary information, coordinate with third parties, and support the build team to ensure a successful outcome.

For specific elements like electrical and lighting layouts, site conditions, or any trade and supplier queries, we might need to review the site or engage in discussions via Zoom or phone calls.

Why do you pre bill for site visits during the construction phase?

Pre-billing for site visits during the build or renovation phase is a critical component of our fixed fee design process. This approach ensures that we can allocate the necessary resources and time to provide in-depth, quality service durning the construction project. Whether these meetings are conducted through Zoom, FaceTime, or directly onsite, they are essential for maintaining the integrity to the drawing package, auditing the build ability of the design and ensuring the site matching what all vendors have on-hand for and progress of the work. These critical site reviews can ensure errors are captured promptly and any found site restrains are noted and developed into the overall design as early as possible. By outlining and pre-billing for numerous site reviews at crucial phases of the renovation or build project, we can efficiently plan and execute these visits, ensuring that each step of the project receives the attention and expertise it deserves. This practice not only aids in effective project management but also helps in maintaining transparent and predictable billing for our clients.

Additional items such as communication, research, reflection, solution finding and design updates are billed additionally to any fixed fee design package. We offer this service at $155.00 plus GST per hour, invoiced on the last day of each month.

What is a change order?

A Change Order is a directive from our design team to the contractor, client, and vendors, necessitated by updated site conditions, budgetary needs, or discontinued or back-ordered items. This critical step within the construction phase ensures that everyone remains aligned and informed. Our design team meticulously creates and issues these documents to the relevant parties, billing at an hourly rate throughout the construction phase. This process helps maintain project cohesion and addresses any adjustments promptly and effectively.

Will JBD take care of construction project Management?

At Jamie Banfield Design Inc. (JBD), we offer an integrated approach to home renovations and building projects, partnering with skilled renovation contractors and home builders. Our commitment to integrity and transparency forms the foundation of our project management services, ensuring a seamless transition from design to execution.

Our role extends beyond design; we actively participate in site meetings, adapt drawings and specifications, design custom furniture, manage tendering, and oversee the installation and budgeting of furnishings and decorations. Our belief in the power of clear communication, transparency, and teamwork underpins every project, allowing us to work hand-in-hand with homeowners, our design team, and all involved parties to bring your vision to life in the most efficient and transparent way possible.

Collaborating closely with BUILD. by banfield a division of Jamie Banfield Design Inc, we leverage our collective expertise in budgeting, scheduling, and construction management, focusing our efforts on delivering unparalleled design quality and aesthetic appeal.

This cohesive approach includes a project management fee of 20% of material and labor costs, ensuring detailed oversight of every project aspect. Starting after the design phase's completion, this intensive process is key to the successful realization of your dream space, embodying our dedication to excellence and client satisfaction at every step.

do you have professional insurance?

At Jamie Banfield Design Inc., we understand that trust is the cornerstone of any successful relationship, especially when it comes to transforming your home. That's why we underscore the importance of professional insurance - it's not just about protection, it's about peace of mind. Our firm is fully insured with Commercial General Liability, Professional Liability, Contracts Errors and Omissions Liability, and Cyber and Privacy Liability Insurance. This comprehensive coverage ensures that both our clients and team members can embark on every project with confidence, knowing that we are prepared for the unexpected and committed to the highest standards of professionalism and safety. Our dedication to maintaining current coverage is a testament to our commitment to excellence, security, and the enduring trust of those we serve.

Can you create renderings for all Projects?

Every project we undertake is distinct, and we communicate the design and its intricacies using various methods of expression. These include inspiration images, 2D drawings, 2D rendered drawings, 3D clay models, and 3D realistic renderings. It's important to note that for the majority of our design projects, we do not typically produce 3D realistic renderings.

When renderings are created, the cost varies depending on the complexity and requirements of the space. Interior renderings can range from $550.00 to $1,750.00 per space, typically including around three images. For exterior renderings that encompass all sides of a home, the price range is between $1,200.00 and $3,500.00.

Do you offer Furniture Design + Styling?

Certainly, furnishings for your project can encompass a range of items, including but not limited to furniture, decorative accessories, artwork, window treatments, area rugs, and decorative lighting fixtures.

The designer will develop a furniture budget based on the initial project programming and specific directions provided by the client. This proposed budget will be presented to the client for their review and approval before any orders are placed.

Should there be a need for custom-built items, the designer will work closely with the fabricator, ensuring all necessary details are communicated to fulfill the design vision.

For antique purchases, items are bought in their existing condition. Any coordination required for the restoration of antiques or showroom samples will incur additional charges, subject to the client’s prior approval.

When selecting materials for furnishings, like fabrics, metals, or woods, the designer may offer recommendations, but final approval will always rest with the client before any purchases are made.

The design and selection process for window treatments and curtains may involve sketches, images, or site meetings to align with the design intent. Should there be any changes to the initially approved fabric choices, the additional time needed for pricing and coordinating these new selections will be billed hourly, again with the client's prior approval.

In instances where purchases are made directly from retailers, clients may access discounted trade pricing using the designer's name, but only with the designer’s express written consent.

Can I purchase via JBD?

We are committed to maintaining complete transparency in our pricing, reflecting the strength of our relationships with suppliers and trades. Our approach blends the features of both cost-plus and fixed-price estimates, providing you with a detailed breakdown of costs and time estimates for tasks necessary to complete your project.

Our clients benefit from discounts ranging from 5% to 50%, depending on the supplier. Additionally, we apply a 20% administrative fee on all products purchased through our accounts. We ensure you have full control and approval over every supplier, trade, and product involved in your project.

It's our policy that all ordered products must be paid for in full (100%) prior to order placement, and there is a 24-hour cancellation policy for any changes or cancellations.

What are Reimbursable Expenses?

We ensure that all out-of-pocket expenses related to the execution of your project are billed to you without any markup. These expenses, which will be itemized in your monthly billing invoices, may cover various needs such as storage and warehousing, messenger services, travel expenses, printing, and other direct costs associated with the project.

To cover administrative handling, these expenses will be re-billed at 1.15% of the net costs. We will directly bill these expenses to the client on the 1st of each month, maintaining transparency and clarity in our billing process.

Do you travel outside of the lower mainland?

To begin, we ask for digital photos of the property or architectural plans to assess the project's feasibility. Once deemed viable, we arrange a site visit for an initial consultation. Clients should provide a reasonably accurate set of plans for their project. In the case of renovations, if such plans aren’t available, they can either be produced by Jamie Banfield Design Inc. or an external party at the client's expense.

While much of our design work is carried out from our Port Moody office, we schedule strategic meetings with clients at key points throughout the design process.

For any necessary travel, the Jamie Banfield Design Inc. team and administrative staff are compensated for their travel time, as well as any travel and accommodation expenses. Meal costs during out-of-town projects are charged back to the client, with a cap of $11.00 for breakfast, $22.50 for lunch, and $35.80 for dinner, excluding alcoholic beverages.

Remote consultation packages for residential projects start at $2,500.00CAD, varying with the project's scale and scope.

Additionally, a travel package is calculated based on one full working day (eight hours) per room within the client's city, plus additional costs for travel time, accommodation, and other expenses.

what services do you provide?

Jamie Banfield Design Inc. offers a variety of interior design, exterior design, building design, planning and permitting services such as:

- Project Consultation.

- Concept Development.

- Custom Home Design.

- New Home Pre-Design / Site Review.

- New Home Permit Drawings.

- New Home Space Plan Review.

- High-efficient Home Design.

- Passive House Design Consulting.

- Exterior Concept Development.

- Exterior Design Documentation.

- Final Construction Documentation.

- Interior Design.

- Space Planning.

- Scope of Work Documents.

- Materials Selection.

- Equipment + Fixture Selection.

- Concept Boards.

- Interior Design Drawings for Construction.

- Construction + Demolition Plans.

- Permit Drawing Package for Renovations and Additions.

- Coordination of third-party consultations such as engineering, truss designers, landscape designers, energy consultants, etc.

- 2D Rendering.

- 3D Rendering.

- Power + Communication Plans (electrical plans and reflective ceiling plans).

- Millwork Drawings.

- Detailed Kitchen and Bathroom Plans.

- Lighting Design (reflective ceiling plans).

- Construction Documentation.

- Specification Documentation.

- Trade Coordination.

- Interior Furnishing Specification.

- Interior Furniture procurement and installation (purchasing).

- White Glove Interior Styling (source, supply, and installation).

***Jamie Banfield Design Inc. focuses on a variety of design services, including Residential Renovation Design, New Custom Home Design, High-Efficiency Home Design, Interior Design and Interior styling. Additionally, we selectively undertake Commercial project work.

 For additional questions, please do no hesitate to reach us at (604) 385-1646, Toll Free 1 (866) 272-5530 or